International posting of workers

International posting of workers

Another way to have employees at work in Italy is the international secondment (or «posting of workers»). The international secondment is regulated by the Directive 2014/67/EU and by Directive 96/71/CE and by a national special law ...

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Understanding salaries in Italy

Understanding salaries in Italy

Income taxes and Social Security in Italy Income taxes in Italy are calculated with a progressive rate. This rate ranges from 23% to 43% for the main national tax for individuals («IRPEF»); regional and local additional taxes are ...

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Employment rules in Italy: FAQs

employment contract

General framework The employment contract and its registration It is necessary to stipulate a written employment contract? Yes, in many cases depending on special contents (e.g.: probationary period, fixed-term, etc.) In any case, it ...

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Employers in Italy: at a glance

What do I need to hire people in Italy? I need an employer First of all, a foreigner Company who wants to hire people in Italy must decide what kind of employer would be suitable for its business purposes. The main options are the ...

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